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2012 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Effetti dell'inquinamento atmosferico urbano su sintomi e funzione respiratoria
Bucchieri S, Cibella F, Cuttitta G, Della Maggiore R, Melis Mr, La Grutta S, Nuvolone D, Viegi G

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | www.aiponet.it Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2001 Other Open Access OPEN
Manuale d'uso del geo-data server e del sito internet (vers. agg.)
Ciardelli R, Cresci G, Lari D, Trentanni G
Rapporto tecnico nell'ambito della prestazione per conto dell'Autorità di bacino del fiume Arno. Questo documento descrive le modalità di funzionamento del Geo-Data Server e del sito Internet dell'Autorità di Bacino del fiume Arno, realizzati nell'ambito del contratto di collaborazione tra CNUCE e Autorità stessa avente per oggetto: "Ampliamento della base informativa e fornitura di strumenti per l'accesso automatico ai dati via Internet". Le considerazioni raccolte di seguito sono relative allo strumento per l'accesso automatico ai dati via Internet citato dal titolo del contratto e ne descrivono le modalità d'uso. Questo documento è specificamente destinato alla consultazione da parte degli utenti. Le istruzioni specifiche per l'uso del Geo-Data Server e del sito Internet che figurano in questo manuale sono anche disponibili in linea sul sito stesso, tramite l'apposito bottone di Help della barra degli strumenti visualizzata in tutte le pagine del Geo-Data Server. Per avere un'informazione completa del funzionamento dello strumento di diffusione dei dati via Internet è necessario prendere visione anche dell'altro documento "Architettura del Geo-Data Server" pure redatto nell'ambito delle attività contrattuali citate, che descrive gli aspetti interni di organizzazione dei dati e dei programmi e che è indirizzato ai tecnici che dovranno mantenere l'applicazione.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2006 Other Open Access OPEN
SENSORIA - D3.3A - An Overview of Techniques for Behavioural Properties
Caires L, Zawbocki A, Corradini A, Mazzanti F, Loreti M, Nielson H R
The main goal of WP3 is to coordinate the partners efforts towards the development of qualitative analysis methods for global services. In particular, this deliverable reports on the research activity carried on during the first 12 months by the SENSORIA partners in the advancement of the state of art for a wide spectrum of techniques suitable for the description and analysis of the behavioral properties of services. Twelve original contributions have emerged as result of this research activity. In the following sections of this document an overview is given of the performed activity and the results are described with a limited level of technical details . The full details of the contributions can be found in the twelve papers mentioned in the final "Relevant Sensoria Publications and Reports" Section.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2011 Other Open Access OPEN
Joint Bayesian separation and restoration of CMB from convolutional mixtures
Kayabol Koray, Sanz Jose Luis, Herranz Diego, Kuruoglu Ercan Engin, Salerno Emanuele
We propose a Bayesian approach to joint source separation and restoration for astrophysical diff use sources. We constitute a prior statistical model for the source images by using their gradient maps. We assume a t-distribution for the gradient maps in di fferent directions, because it is able to fit both smooth and sparse data. A Monte Carlo technique, called Langevin sampler, is used to estimate the source images and all the model parameters are estimated by using deterministic techniques.

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

1996 Other Open Access OPEN
ARCA Dictionary Schema Document
Catoni A, Giuliano S, Loffredo M, Signore O
This report presents the detailed description of the Dictionary component of the ARCA Target system. In particular, the document makes clear how the Z39.50 V3 Explain facility is implemented by using the Dictionary information.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2013 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Multi-sensor data fusion for underwater archaeological investigation
Moroni D, Pascali M A, Reggiannini M, Salvetti O
The primary purpose of this work consists in treating optical and acoustic signals in order to extract useful information for applications in underwater archaeology. Data are processed to assess the presence of geometrically regular elements, potentially indicating handmade objects lying on the seafloor. Geometrical elements are recognized by means of suitable algorithms and their statistical persistence in the data stream is employed as a descriptor. Multi-sensor data are processed by applying segmentation and classification procedures based on a geometrical pattern analysis, with the purpose of discerning different materials. We basically seek for meaningful features in the data in order to perform robust object recognition, also in case of unfavorable environmental conditions. Finally we define a unique data fusion model that can be exploited for exhaustive interpretation of the underwater scene.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2015 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Providing research infrastructures with data publishing
Assante M, Candela L, Manghi P, Pagano P, Castelli D
The purpose of data publishing is to release research data for others to use. However, its implementation remains an open issue. 'Science 2.0 Repositories' (SciRepos) address the publishing requirements arising in Science 2.0 by blurring the distinction between research life-cycle and research publishing. SciRepos interface with the ICT services of research infrastructures to intercept and publish research products while providing researchers with social networking tools for discovery, notification, sharing, discussion, and assessment of research products.Source: ERCIM NEWS, vol. 100, pp. 20-21
Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: ercim-news.ercim.eu Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2014 Book Open Access OPEN
2nd FME Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Engineering
Gnesi S, Plat N
The proceedings contain 9 papers. The topics discussed include: using mCRL2 for the analysis of software product lines; flexible modular formalization of UML sequence diagrams; formal specification comprehension; software reliability via machine learning; compiling polychronous programs into conditional partial orders for ASIP synthesis; from an abstract specification in event-B toward an UML/OCL model; generating supportive hypotheses in introducing formal methods using a software processes improvement model; formalization of software models for cyber-physical; and analysis and testing of PLEXIL plans.

See at: dl.acm.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2013 Other Open Access OPEN
IMarine - IMarine data infrastructure enabling software
Antoniadis A, Cirillo R, Formisano C, Fortunati L, Gerbesiotis J, Lelii L, Panagiotis L, Savini A, Simeoni F, Travaglino E
iMarine Data Infrastructure Enabling Software contains the description of software and pointers to the documentation and artifacts of the related components that comprise the e-Infrastructure Management suite delivered from M11 to M24Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: goo.gl Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2015 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Virtual environment as a tool to access the marine abysses
Magrini M, Moroni D, Pascali M A, Reggiannini M, Salvetti O, Tampucci M
This paper describes a virtual environment designed and developed aiming at increasing the fruition of underwater exploration. Such system is under development in the frame of ARROWS project (end August 2015, funded by the European Commission). Main objectives of ARROWS project are the development and integration of advanced technologies and tools for mapping, diagnosing, cleaning, and securing underwater and coastal archaeological sites. Along with it, an informative system, that has the role to make easier the management of the heterogeneous set of data available (such as archival and historical data; georeferenced images, sonograms, videos; texture and shape of artefacts; others), is in development. The virtual environment aims at representing all the available data in a 3D interactive and informative scene. In this way, the archaeological site is accessible both to experts (for research purposes, e.g. classification of artefacts by template matching) and to the general public (for dissemination of the underwater cultural heritage). Due to the high educational value of this system, it has been enriched by dedicated functionalities for the management and representation of biological information, which was beyond the original project scopes.Project(s): ARROWS via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ieeexplore.ieee.org Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2017 Contribution to book Open Access OPEN
Comparison of chemical propulsion solutions for large space debris active removal
Tadini P, Tancredi U, Grassi M, Pardini C, Anselmo L, Shimada T, Deluca L T
In recent years, the development of active removal missions, to face the growing risk of catastrophic collisions and new debris generation due to the high density of orbital debris in LEO, is widely discussed in the international space community. Besides legal and political issues, active removal solutions are strongly hampered by the high costs involved. Chemical propulsion might represent the preferred way to carry out the controlled reentry of large abandoned objects, and, in the perspective of cost reduction, hybrid rocket technology is considered a valuable option, due to the potential lower fabrication and operational costs, if compared with bipropellant liquid systems. The possibility to use nontoxic propellants, besides their lower prices, reduces the complexity of handling, storability, and loading operations, decreasing the connected costs and avoiding the need of a special staff. Solid rocket technology allows for very small and compact motor units, although without throttleability and reignition capability and characterized by lower safety level than liquid and hybrid systems. This study deals with the preliminary design and mass budget of solid, liquid, and hybrid propulsion modules, as well as their comparison, to be used for active removal of large abandoned rockets in LEO.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | link.springer.com Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2017 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Deep Learning in Automotive Software
Falcini F, Lami G, Mitidieri Ac
Deep-learning-based systems are becoming pervasive in automotive software. So, in the automotive software engineering community, the awareness of the need to integrate deep-learning-based development with traditional development approaches is growing, at the technical, methodological, and cultural levels. In particular, data-intensive deep neural network (DNN) training, using ad hoc training data, is pivotal in the development of software for vehicle functions that rely on deep learning. Researchers have devised a development lifecycle for deep-learning-based development and are participating in an initiative, based on Automotive SPICE (Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination), that's promoting the effective adoption of DNN in automotive software. This article is part of a theme issue on Automotive Software.Source: IEEE SOFTWARE, vol. 34 (issue 3), pp. 56-63

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ieeexplore.ieee.org Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2016 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Quality versus efficiency in document scoring with learning-to-rank models
Capannini G, Lucchese C, Nardini F M, Orlando S, Perego R, Tonellotto N
Learning-to-Rank (LtR) techniques leverage machine learning algorithms and large amounts of training data to induce high-quality ranking functions. Given a set of documents and a user query, these functions are able to precisely predict a score for each of the documents, in turn exploited to effectively rank them. Although the scoring efficiency of LtR models is critical in several applications - e.g., it directly impacts on response time and throughput of Web query processing - it has received relatively little attention so far. The goal of this work is to experimentally investigate the scoring efficiency of LtR models along with their ranking quality. Specifically, we show that machine-learned ranking models exhibit a quality versus efficiency trade-off. For example, each family of LtR algorithms has tuning parameters that can influence both effectiveness and efficiency, where higher ranking quality is generally obtained with more complex and expensive models. Moreover, LtR algorithms that learn complex models, such as those based on forests of regression trees, are generally more expensive and more effective than other algorithms that induce simpler models like linear combination of features. We extensively analyze the quality versus efficiency trade-off of a wide spectrum of state-of-the-art LtR, and we propose a sound methodology to devise the most effective ranker given a time budget. To guarantee reproducibility, we used publicly available datasets and we contribute an open source C++ framework providing optimized, multi-threaded implementations of the most effective tree-based learners: Gradient Boosted Regression Trees (GBRT), Lambda-Mart (λ-MART), and the first public-domain implementation of Oblivious Lambda-Mart (Ωλ-MART), an algorithm that induces forests of oblivious regression trees. We investigate how the different training parameters impact on the quality versus efficiency trade-off, and provide a thorough comparison of several algorithms in the quality-cost space. The experiments conducted show that there is not an overall best algorithm, but the optimal choice depends on the time budget.Source: INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT, vol. 52 (issue 6), pp. 1161-1177

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.sciencedirect.com Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2002 Other Open Access OPEN
Distribuzione dei dati, ottimizzazione e monitoraggio delle prestazioni in Microsoft SQL Server 2000
Aloia N
An abstract is not available

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2017 Other Open Access OPEN
QUANTICOL - A quantitative approach to management and design of collective and adaptive behaviours
Massink M, Ter Beek M H, Bortolussi L, Ciancia V, Gnesi S, Hillston J, Latella D, Loreti M, Tribastone M, Vandin A
This final Deliverable of Work Package 3 describes the main achievements obtained during the last reporting period for all three tasks of the work package (and in part during the second reporting period regarding Task 1.3) concerning the development of the theoretical foundations of novel, scalable and spatial formal analysis techniques and the underlying theories to support the design of large scale CAS. During the first two reporting periods of the project a number of innovative analysis techniques have been developed that are highly scalable. Some of these are based on mean field approximation techniques, others involve statistical model checking and machine learning techniques. For all these cases additional model reduction techniques have been developed to further improve scalability of analysis, for example to reduce the number of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) that need to be solved or the number of populations that need to be considered. For what concerns spatial verification several spatial and spatio-temporal logics have been developed for which efficient verification techniques have been created based on model checking and monitoring techniques. In particular, Spatial Logic for Closure Spaces (SLCS), based on the formal framework of closure spaces, and Spatial Signal Temporal Logic (SSTL) extending Signal Temporal Logic (STL) with some of the spatial operators from SLCS in a monitoring setting. Finally, suitable extensions of a software product line engineering (SPLE) approach for CAS were developed, among which family-based verification of behavioural aspects of CAS. In the third and final reporting period all these techniques have been further extended and some combined, implemented and applied to the case studies of the project. Some of the main achievements are: the extension of the fluid model checking algorithms incorporating various kinds of rewards (or costs); study of the conditions under which continuous time population models can be analysed based on discrete time mean field model checking techniques; approximation of probabilistic reachability; development of a front-end language for FlyFast to deal with components and predicate-based interaction; extension of SLCS with temporal operators and with collective operators; combination of statistical and spatio-temporal model checking; application of an extended version of SLCS on Medical Imaging; combination of SSTL with machine learning; development of CTMC and ODE based behavioural equivalences for CAS and related minimisation algorithms; definition of an efficient family-based model checking procedure for SPLE models; development of a tool for quantitative analysis of probabilistic and dynamically reconfigurable SPLE models via statistical model checking; variability-aware software performance models. All these developments are briefly described in the three main sections of this deliverable reflecting the three tasks of Work Package 3.Project(s): QUANTICOL via OpenAIRE

See at: blog.inf.ed.ac.uk Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2015 Other Open Access OPEN
A low cost and portable device for home care breath sensing
Germanese D, Benassi A, D'Acunto M, Leone R, Magrini M, Paradisi P, Righi M, Salvetti O
We here discuss the first implementation of Wize Sniffer 1.0 (WS1.0), a new portable electronic device for breath analysis in home care. WS1.0 is designed for the chemical analysis of a few substances in human breath. The device is still a prototype that is being developed in the framework of the Collaborative European Project SEMEOTICONS (SEMEiotic Oriented Technology for Individuals CardiOmetabolic risk self-assessmeNt and Self-monitoring1 ). WS1.0 is an hardware/software tool for the analysis of volatile organic compounds of human breath and should be able to provide useful information about the breathprint. Some of the measurable compounds are associated with cell metabolism, thus WS1.0 can give useful information about the state of health of an indi- vidual. WS1.0 can also give feedbacks about alcohol intake and smoking habit. The low cost and compactness of the device allows for a daily screening of the general state of health of an individual that, even if with- out a real diagnostic meaning, could represent a sort of pre-monitoring that could be used for an optimal selection of more sophisticated and standard medical analyses.Project(s): SEMEOTICONS via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.applepies.eu Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2017 Conference article Open Access OPEN
A mobile educational game accessible to all, including screen reading users on a touch-screen device
Leporini B, Palmucci E
Serious games are increasingly used for supporting education and many other activities via entertainment. Unfortunately, they are not accessible to visually-impaired people who have a very limited selection for games, especially in the mobile context. Usually they can rely just on specified games. Our aim is investigating how to overcome this gap for visually-impaired people. To this end, in this work a mobile educational game accessible also via screen reader on a touch-screen is presented. Through the app we investigated: (1) a gesture-based interaction modality to perform exercises on a touch-screen when a screen reader is running; (2) an equal opportunity in enjoying perception also by those cannot see the user interface. A pilot test confirmed a positive impact of the first prototype on the end-users.

See at: dl.acm.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2017 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Communication requirements for team automata
Ter Beek M H, Carmona J, Hennicker R, Kleijn J
Compatibility of components is an important issue in the quest for systems of systems that guarantee successful communications, free from message loss and indefinite waiting for inputs. In this paper, we investigate compatibility in the context of systems consisting of reactive components which may communicate through the synchronised execution of common actions. We model such systems in the team automata framework, which does not impose any a priori restrictions on the synchronisation policy followed to combine the components. We identify a family of representative synchronisation types based on the number of sending and receiving components participating in synchronisations. Then, we provide a generic procedure to derive, for each synchronisation type, requirements for receptiveness and for responsiveness of team automata that prevent that outputs are not accepted and inputs are not provided, respectively. Due to the genericity of our approach w.r.t. synchronisation policies, we can capture compatibility notions for various multi-component system models known from the literature.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | link.springer.com Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2019 Other Open Access OPEN
Funnelling: a new ensemble method for heterogeneous transfer learning and its application to polylingual text classification
Esuli A, Moreo Fernandez Ad, Sebastiani F
Polylingual Text Classification (PLC) consists of automatically classifying, according to a common set C of classes, documents each written in one of a set of languages L, and doing so more accurately than when naively classifying each document via its corresponding language-specific classifier. In order to obtain an increase in the classification accuracy for a given language, the system thus needs to also leverage the training examples written in the other languages. We tackle multilabel PLC via funnelling, a new ensemble learning method that we propose here. Funnelling consists of generating a two-tier classification system where all documents, irrespectively of language, are classified by the same (2nd-tier) classifier. For this classifier all documents are represented in a common, language-independent feature space consisting of the posterior probabilities generated by 1st-tier, language-dependent classifiers. This allows the classification of all test documents, of any language, to benefit from the information present in all training documents, of any language. We present substantial experiments, run on publicly available polylingual text collections, in which funnelling is shown to significantly outperform a number of state-of-the-art baselines. All code and datasets (in vector form) are made publicly available.

See at: arxiv.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2020 Journal article Open Access OPEN
CNR-FINCANTIERI joint projects: a successful example of collaboration between research and industry based on the open innovation approach
Campana Ef, Di Piazza Mc, Di Summa M, Ferro E, Massoli P, Sacco M, Soldovieri F, Vaglieco Bm, Bassan N, Castino A, Debenedetti M, Guglia P
This paper contributes to the open innovation literature by presenting a successful application of the open innovation approach in the maritime sector between Fincantieri (FC), one of the world's largest shipbuilding groups, and the National Research Council of Italy (CNR, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), the largest research entity in Italy. By using external sources of scientific innovation, specifically 10 different groups of researchers from CNR research institutes and three universities, and by integrating these groups with a team of expert Fincantieri's designers, the company obtained significant advances in terms of technological content and competitiveness. This collaboration is an evident example of successful implementation of the open innovation paradigm, where a big company (Fincantieri) uses external sources of innovation (the CNR researchers) to advance its technology by carrying out six different projects simultaneously. The paper presents the adopted open innovation model, the governance approach specifically implemented by the company and the major scientific contents and outcomes of the constellation of the six connected projects.Source: JOURNAL OF OPEN INNOVATION, vol. 6 (issue 1)

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.mdpi.com Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted